How did we get the lost phone to its owner by taking advantage of the security vulnerability?

Greetings friends,

After a long time, I wanted to share a little memory with you. I hope it will be an enjoyable article that you can read easily in a few minutes and will not tire you technically. :)

It was about 7-8 months ago. While walking home, my friend found a cell phone on the sidewalk at the beginning of the street. When he got home, he said he found a phone on the way, and we started talking about how we could get it back to its owner.

The options we found were:

  1. Handing over the cell phone to the police,
  2. Taking it to one of the shopkeepers in the vicinity,
  3. Waiting for the owner of the cell phone to reach us, or
  4. Looking for solutions that will allow us to reach the owner of our thoughts were, the phone :)

We have listed the order of the options from easy to difficult. Of course, when it comes to technical people, we prefer the last option, partly due to our nature. So we would find the owner of the phone! It sounds great, doesn’t it? But how! :)

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