How to do add a DNS A record (Mail) Setting Server Panel Plesk 11? Setting up DNS

  1. Login to your Parallels Plesk Panel.
  2. Click on the Domains link on the left panel.
  3. Click on the Open in Control Panel link for the relevant domain name.
  4. Click on the Website & Domains tab.
  5. Click on the DNS settings icon.
  6. Click on the Add Record icon.
  7. Fill in your DNS record details and click on the Ok button.
  • For the row with the Record Type of NS, click your domain name, change the following, and then click OK:
    • Record type — NS.
    • Domain Name — Leave this field.
    • Name server — Type, where is your domain name.
  • For the row with the Host of, where is your domain, click it, change the following, and then click OK:
    • Record type — A.
    • Domain Name — Type ns1.
    • IP Address — Enter your server’s IP address.
  • Click Add Record, complete the following fields, and then click OK:
    • Record type — Select NS.
    • Domain Name — Leave this field blank.
    • Name server — Enter, where is your domain name.
  • Click Add Record, complete the following fields, and then click OK:
    • Record type — Select A.
    • Domain Name — Type ns2.
    • IP Address — Enter your server’s IP address
  • Click Update.
  • Go to the Server tab in Plesk, and then, from the Server Management section, click Services Management.
  • Next to DNS Server (BIND), click Refresh. Allow a few minutes for the service to restart.


Change MySQL Reset/Update Password – Root SSH – Kullanıcı ve Şifre İşlemleri

1. Change root password:

su - root

2. Mysql root password: –> ERROR 1045 (28000): Access denied for user ‘root’@’localhost’

service mysqld stop

mysqld_safe --skip-grant-tables &
mysql -u root

mysql> use mysql;
mysql> UPDATE user SET Password = PASSWORD ('yournewpassword') WHERE User='root';
mysql> quit;

service mysqld start




3. Kloxo admin password login:

sh /script/resetpassword master {newpassword}


4. Reset Kloxo mysql password: –> Error “Could not open database connection.” when access to Kloxo

sh /script/fix-program-mysql {mysqlrootpassword}

or, enough:

sh /script/fix-program-mysql


5. Reset Horde password: –> Error “Could not open database connection.” Open file:

cat /home/kloxo/httpd/webmail/horde/config/conf.php

then find lines something like:

$conf['sql']['username'] = 'horde_groupware';
$conf['sql']['password'] = 'aVBq4yOrS';

then run:

service mysqld stop

mysqld_safe --skip-grant-tables &
mysql -u root

mysql> use mysql;
mysql> UPDATE user SET Password = PASSWORD ('aVBq4yOrS') WHERE User='horde_groupware';
mysql> quit;

service mysqld start


SOLVED Internal error: filemng: opendir failed: Permission denied System error 13

Hata / Error: Internal error: filemng: opendir failed: Permission denied System error 13: Permission denied

Message filemng: opendir failed: Permission denied System error 13: Permission denied
File Agent.php
Line 212
Type PleskUtilException

Plesk panelin erişim izninin olmaması sebebi ile bu hata ile karşılaşılmaktadır, çok önemli bir problemdir ancak aşağıdaki çözüm işinize yarayacaktır.

Çözüldü / Solved:

# chmod 755 /var/www/vhosts/
# /usr/local/psa/admin/sbin/httpdmng --reconfigure-domain

Çözüldü/Solved – PHP configure: error: xml2-config not found

PHP configure: error: xml2-config not found. Please check your libxml2 installation.

Are you attempting to compile PHP on Linux and running into, “configure: error: xml2-config not found. Please check your libxml2 installation.”

It’s easy to fix, simply install the libxml2-development package by issuing the following command on your appropriate Linux distribution.

 Fixing on Red Hat / CentOS / Fedora via Yum
 yum install libxml2-devel
Fixing on Debian / Ubuntu / Linux Mint via apt-get
 apt-get install libxml2-dev

SSH ile MySQL Dosyasını İçeri Aktarmak-Importing MySQL Databases via SSH

Sunucunuzda yönetim paneli (cPanel, Plesk panel vb.) kullanmıyor olabilirsiniz dolayısı ile phpMyAdmin erişimiz de olmayacaktır ya da yüklemek istediğiniz .sql veritabanı dosyanızın boyutu büyük olduğu için time-out, bir takım problemler yaşayabilirsiniz bu ve benzeri durumlarda ssh üzerinden veritabanı dosyanızı kolaylıkla import edebilirsiniz.

Servers without a control panel (such as cPanel, Plesk, or Simple Control Panel) do not have phpMyAdmin installed. Continue reading